As a full stack producer at So Yummy, I create editorial and branded viral video content. These videos have garnered billions of views and past branded clients include Walmart, Shoprite, and Disney.

In this role, I:

  • Research and predict trending topics

  • Analyze video performance statistics

  • Source original and engaging video concepts

  • Storyboard and shoot video content with virality in mind

  • Oversee the edit

  • Style food and hand act on camera


Editorial Video Content at So Yummy

Branded Still Photography at So Yummy



Before I found a love for all things food content, I was creating videos at So Yummy’s sister channel Blossom with a focus on life hacks.


199 million views

248 million views



With over 40 millions of views and 10 million likes, my Tiktok account @laurensulli offers art, baking, and makeup content for a Gen Z and Millennial audience. On this page, I fuse trending audios and memes with my own personal style and humor as I execute outlandish ideas with as much skill and attention to detail as possible.